Friday, February 12, 2010

Amazon River leads Natural Wonders contest

Lima, Feb. 10 (ANDINA).- The Amazon Rainforest/River leads the group of the top 14 candidates in the contest that will choose the world’s New Seven Wonders of Nature, according to the ranking published today by the New 7 Wonders Foundation.

This group also includes the Salto Angel, in Venezuela; The Great Canyon in the United States of America; and the Iguazu Falls in Argentina and Brazil among other world attractions that received most of the votes.

According to the event’s organizers, the Amazon River has registered so far a high percentage in the voting.

The list published is divided in two parts, the top 14 and the bottom 14, based on the number of votes.

The Amazon River goes through South American countries like Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana and Surinam.

More information:
Amazon Map

Source: Andina News